Why don't More Women Attain Enlightenment
by Dr. Frederick Lenz, RamaInsight
“It is equally easy, initially, for either a man or woman to attain enlightenment, what we call liberation or self-realization. Ultimately there is no sex. The jiva or soul, the principle within us that is existence, is neither masculine nor feminine. It composes both. Structurally we know there are obvious differences between the male and the female body. There are also differences between the subtle physical body, the luminous body, of a man and woman. But beyond the physical and the subtle physical bodies, what we see is that all of us are androgynous.
There are many, many reasons why more women don’t attain enlightenment. In presenting my theory to you, I would like to first look historically at a few important items or consolidated histories, because without an understanding of what has been, it will be very difficult to understand what is…”
“The middle path is not to try and make yourself into anything as a man or woman, but to simply go back to the very beginning — past cultural conditioning, years of history, incarnations of experience, and to look at the truth and to model yourself after the truth.”
These are direct quotes from the talk Why don’t More Women Attain Enlightenment by Rama Dr. Frederick Lenz.
All quotes are reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism