Love - the Fourth Level of Ecstasy
by Dr. Frederick Lenz, RamaInsight
“Love is an unbending emotion that is a reflection of a higher truth. Love is the ability to extend yourself beyond yourself and become perfect. Love is light. In the inner worlds, it’s an energy, a luminescent energy that is the basis of all creation. Love is the only thing in this world that is worthwhile because it is the only thing in this world that is eternal.”
“Begin to think about how you can love more and how you can open your heart. But again, not in a maudlin way, not in a sort of phony, flaky way where you talk about it a lot, but how you can live a very quiet, simple, efficient love that will grow and become bigger than the universe itself.”
“Love and be happy.”
These are direct quotes from the talk Love – The Fourth Level of Ecstasy by Rama Dr. Frederick Lenz.
All quotes are reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism